MatchPace 2019 Year In Review

MatchPace is wrapping up our second full year of operations, and as the year (and decade!) draws to a close, we are taking time to reflect on how far we have come and lessons we’ve learned. 

Below is our 2019 Year-In-Review. It was a year of significant growth for:

  • Supporting our clients 

    • We supported two teams in a large non-profit organization, leading them through our signature Pace Check evaluation so they could identify areas in their organization where their team was out of alignment and guide them toward greater effectiveness. We helped them define and live out organizational Core Hours - a way to structure the rhythm of a workday/week and year to maximize effectiveness, facilitate focus, and prevent burnout. 

    • We conducted ongoing work with a boutique communications firm, successfully supporting a search for their new Executive Vice President and helping them clarify the expectations and growth path for the positions within their firm. 

    • We worked with a large defense contractor navigating multiple acquisitions, helping them develop an alignment plan that enables them better position their new, expanded organization in line with their core values. As they anticipate tripling their size, we are going to help them develop an employee experience that keepings their teammates aligned with their mission as they grow.

    • Working with a smaller nonprofit, we are providing targeted training on things like management and Conversational Intelligence. 

    • We supported a public/private partnership devoted to Washington DC’s economic development, taking them through the Pace Check and introducing them to resolution-based thinking to help their team navigate conflict and solve problems more effectively. 

    • We aided numerous young organizations and individuals in their quest to become more effective through coaching and targeted consulting. 

  • Growing the MatchPace team

    • We added new consultants, a data officer, and interns throughout the course of the year. 

    • We held our inaugural MatchPace Team Retreat in September at the National Arboretum, with all but one of our team coming together in D.C. for two days of team building, brainstorming, goal setting, and personal growth. We used this time to solidify our own Mission, Vision, and Values, an exercise we conduct with clients, refine language around our offerings, and explore what diversity means to us individually and as a team. We are excited to turn this into an annual opportunity to learn and grow together.

    • We launched You Need to Stop Doing That - our monthly-ish podcast that explores how adding things to your life doesn’t always make things easier, and how subtracting things can clarify your priorities. 

We celebrated major successes but also made mistakes and learned hard lessons, not just once, but sometimes twice. While we are proud of our growth and maturation this year, we will take those lessons into 2020 knowing we have a sharper vision for our work and the opportunity to leverage our experience to help even more organizations Work Well and Live Well.  

This is an exercise we encourage all organizations to go through at the end of each year, and if you’re not sure where to start or fear your organization is out of alignment and working less-than-effectively, we would love the opportunity to help. 

At MatchPace, we strive for continuous learning and improvement, so we would love to hear the wins you and your organization are celebrating this year, the lessons you’ve learned, and what you’re looking forward to in 2020. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at MatchPace!


Elizabeth Knox

Founder, MatchPace


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