Is your organization a low-trust or high-trust environment?

Low-trust organizations experience:

  • Low morale leading to employee churn and high turnover

  • Disengaged employees who fill a seat but don’t care about your mission and aren’t committed to organizational goals

  • Distracted, unfocused, and uncreative employees

  • High levels of conflict draining you and your organization of creativity and focus


High-trust organizations experience:

  • Engaged employees committed to your mission and goals that stick around

  • High levels of collaboration, creativity, efficiency, and focus

  • A creative, agile team that reaches goals faster

Honesty & Trust:

“A willingness to be both upfront and vulnerable, committed to direct conversations and truthfulness.”

The distinctive characteristics of an effective organization are:

  • Clear Vision

  • Defined Accountability

  • Honesty & Trust

  • Healthy Work Experience

  • Structure for Sustained Growth

We call these the Five Hallmarks of Organizational Effectiveness, and while all of them are important, honesty and trust, are especially crucial. It’s hard to build trust, and easy to break it, and it is foundational to each of the other hallmarks.

Together with your team, take our 10-minute assessment to pinpoint the levels of honesty and trust in your organization and identify ways to grow honesty and trust between leadership, management and staff. so your organization can work more effectively and achieve your mission.

Establishing high levels of honesty and trust matters because people at high-trust companies report:

  • 74% less stress

  • 106% more energy at work (106%!!!)

  • 50% higher productivity

  • 13% fewer sick days

  • 76% more engagement

  • 29% more satisfaction with their lives, and

  • 40% less burnout.

If you’re ready to find out how to build greater levels of trust in your organization, sign up for your free assessment today!

“Leadership is getting results in a way that inspires trust.”

Stephen M. R. Covey, The Speed of Trust

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the free Organizational Trust Assessment?

  • Depending on the size of your organization, either your entire team and leadership or a cross-section of your employees will take a 30-question survey (about 10 minutes) that will help us identify the current level of Honesty & Trust at your organization. Then, we will present your organization’s leadership with a report outlining where Honesty & Trust may break down at your organization and actionable steps to take to improve Honesty & Trust. 

I think my organization is doing alright with honesty and trust. If I don’t take the survey, will anything bad happen?

  • It’s possible your organization already scores high in Honesty & Trust–we hope that’s the case! But it can also be difficult for leaders to see beneath the surface where issues may be lurking. We often see a difference in perception between organizational leaders and their teams when it comes to their perceptions on the level of trust in an organization. If you’re not totally sure of the stories your team is telling itself about how your organization is operating, we highly recommend giving the assessment a try!

How do you help organizations work better?

  • MatchPace uses a proprietary process to identify adaptive workforce performance and measures the “pace” of a team against the Five Hallmarks of Organizational Effectiveness. We first identify where you fall on the path to organizational effectiveness and the unique challenges and opportunities of your organization, and then help you implement proven strategies to create a more effective workday that gives autonomy and focus back to your team.

What are you trying to sell me?

  • We work with organizations to help them boost organizational effectiveness, combat burnout, resolve conflict, reduce turnover, and establish a more effective and efficient workday. We believe society benefits when organizations work well, so while we would love to partner with you to help you pursue effectiveness in all five areas (not just Honesty & Trust), our aim is to present you with actionable ways to improve Honesty & Trust in your organization whether you choose to further engage with us or not. 

I’m in! What do I do next?

Click here to let us know you want to offer your free Honesty & Trust assessment at your organization and we will be in touch within 2 business days with more details and next steps!