Organizational Identity
And Transformation

Key to the long-term success and growth of your organization are your core values, as well as the norms (the unwritten and unspoken practices) that define your employee experience. These aren’t “feel good” words on paper, but the way you do work, from the written and unwritten expectations you have for your team to how you encourage or discourage collaboration, focus, and productivity. The long-term success of your organization depends on the norms and values you put in place. Don’t let it happen by accident!

Are you ready to clarify your priorities and align your mission, vision and operations with those priorities so you can successfully pursue your desired outcomes and unwind your organization from a ball of chaos?


Pace Check™

MatchPace will partner with your organization to conduct a Pace Check™ assessment that uncovers areas of ineffectiveness in your workplace. The results will provide the foundation for customized solutions to help you work better. We help you unearth your unique organizational identity and culture and make necessary and lasting change that fosters a healthy workplace environment and rewards effectiveness.


We Call This “Reimagining the Workday”…

and know from experience that it is possible to bring how you work into alignment with why you do what you do. When you understand the explicit and implicit norms your team is operating from, you can’t free your team from the chains of ineffective communication, wasted time, inability to focus, and interpersonal conflict. 

MatchPace Services Include:

  • Hybrid Work Transition support for organizations trying to figure out the best way to work to meet their unique team and client needs

  • Pace Check™ assessment to help organizations identify where they are on the journey to organizational effectiveness and determine actionable steps to help them work better

  • Discovering and establishing organizational norms aligned with your mission and core values

  • Establishing organizational processes, procedures, and management mechanisms aligned with organizational norms

    • Project management

    • Performance management

    • Collaboration & meeting standards

  • Core Hours development, training, and implementation

  • Facilitating collaborative communication to keenly identify what makes your organization unique and leverage motivating factors for success and impact 

  • Identifying and training change champions in specific actions and behavior

  • Coaching for staff at all levels to enable them to work effectively, stay agile, and implement transformational change

  • Retreat facilitation